Welcome to the Isle Of Wight Green Party

Vote Green On The 4th of July

A general election has been called for the 4th of July and the Isle of Wight has been split in two.

Here are your Green candidates for Isle of Wight East and Isle of Wight West:

Campaign picture of Cameron Palin, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Isle of Wight East.

Vote Cameron Palin

This election brings the prospect of real change. For too long Islanders have been let down by our current MP and his predecessors. It is time for a fresh start; Islanders deserve an MP who will stand up for them and deliver on the issues they care about.

Having a Green MP for Isle of Wight West would not only be historic but truly powerful! The Island always does politics differently, so it’s time to show Labour and the Conservatives Islanders want change.

By electing me as your MP, I would hold the government to account on issues that affect us all, like the appalling ferry services, NHS waiting lists, underfunding of local councils, SEND crisis, and lack of affordable housing.

Campaign picture of Vix Lowthion, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Isle of Wight East.

Vote Vix Lowthion

There’s sewage in our oceans, huge queues for the NHS, no dentists around and the cost of living is sky high. This government is right out of steam and right out of ideas.

Meanwhile, Islanders are desperate for change and an MP who will stand up for them. As a parent, a teacher, and an Islander I know that residents are fed up with broken promises. I am ready to be your new MP.

The Conservatives are highly likely to lose this election. There had never been a better time to vote Green; to elect MPs who truly care about our Island and will hold a Labour government to account.

That time is now.

Are you election ready?

1. Register to vote

People are desperate to see the back of 14 consecutive years of disastrous Conservatives governments. But Labour are offering little hope of better days to come.

It’s never been more important to use your voice to vote Green at the ballot box! Make sure you can…

2. Donate

Now that you’re registered, before polling day you can help build a truly inspiring movement on the Isle of Wight by donating to your local Green Party; whether that’s your time or money.

We aren’t backed by big, corporate donors and so we rely on small (but welcome) donations and people to power our campaigns!

3. Vote

Cam and Vix are ready to work for you!

Whether you’re West or East Wight, vote Green for real hope. Real change.

Remember: Take valid ID when you vote.


Find out what we’ve been up to, about issues in your area, and see the work we’ve done in the past.

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